WF Toolkit

Add On Title Workflow Toolkit
Version 2.7
Purpose of Add On To provide supporting functionality to that already provided in the Livelink Workflow modules.
Author Greg Griffiths
Date of Inital Release 01 February 2002
Date of Current Release (2.7) 25 May 2003
Covers Livelink All versions of Livelink 8 & 9
Add On Type ASP - Active Server Pages (VBScript)
Download Here Download Current Version as a ZIP file (Requires Registration) - Previous versions are also available.

This Add On provides some additional functionality, brings other functionality under one roof and addresses issues and / or limitations of the Livelink Workflow components through a standard customisable interface.

Current functionality includes :

All of these features are controlled by parameters in the URL that is passed to the toolkit. Thus, you can develop several slightly different instances as required for your installation and then having created the URL's as URL objects in Livelink you can use Livelink to permission them as required.

Workflow Title Changer
This resolves an issue with Livelink 8.1.5 concerning the changing of workflow titles after a workflow has been initiated. This function changes a specified workflow and its sub workflows as appropriate. Has also been updated to work in Livelink 9.

Excel Extraction
The tool uses a provided 'data dictionary' to produce a list of fields and labels form the workflow master form that the user would like extracted into MS Excel. Serveral option are available including extracting all data into the same or seperate Excel worksheets, removing or hiding empty rows. This function allows you to provide a different slice of the Master form with differing labels for each user group.

Enquiry Form
This allows the user to specify a HTML page within Livelink as an Enquiry Form and then get the tool to process the Master form and then populate the provided Form with the data from the Master form. This provides a real time display of data held on the Master form.

Current Step Information
This displays a list of all workflows based on a given Workflow Map and shows the current task, performer and duration of the task, an email link to each performer is also provided.

Full Installation, Administration and Help documentation is provided. For those of you interested in adding or extending the functionality of the Toolkit, then Developer documentation is also available.

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