Coloured Lines

Customisation Title Alternate coloured lines in the status tab of the Personal Workspace.
Purpose of Customisation This customisation displays every other line of the of the content of the Status tab of the Personal Workspace with a coloured background as defined by the Livelink Administrator.
Author Greg Griffiths
Date of Customisation 16 December 1999
Covers Livelink Livelink 8.1.3 & 8.1.5
Livelink Modules Home
Affected Templates \module\home\html\statusview.html
Customisation Format HTML
Download Here Download as a ZIP file

This customisation allows the Livelink Administrator to set up a color to be displayed on alternate rows for the status tab of the Personal Workspace within their Livelink system..

The customisation is in two sections. Firstly we need to define an OScript variable at the same time as the rest of the OScript variables are declared on for this template. This variable will be our on/off switch that lets us know if the current line needs to use the alternate background or not. Secondly, we have the OScript to actually implement this colouration of the row that is displayed to the user.

     ;String url = .URL()
<!-- Changes for colorbar support - start -->
     ;Boolean colorbar = false
<!-- Changes for colorbar support - end -->

     ;switch Str.Upper( what )
Document Truncated
     ;for nodeRec in .fContents
<!-- Changes for colorbar support - start -->
     ;string bgColor = ''
     ;if (colorbar)
         ; colorbar = false
         ; bgColor = ''
         ; colorbar = true
         ; bgColor = ' BGCOLOR=#FFFF80'
<!-- Changes for colorbar support - end -->

     ;webnode = webNodes.GetItem( nodeRec.SubType )

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