Adding Spell Checking to the User Profile

Customisation Title Adding Spell Checking to the User Profile
Purpose of Customisation This customisation adds the Spell Checker to the Interest's section of the User Profile
Author Greg Griffiths
Date of Customisation 05 December 2005
Covers Livelink Livelink 9.5
Livelink Modules WebUser
Affected Templates \module\webuser\usereditphoto.html
Customisation Format HTML
Download Here Download as a ZIP file for LL 9.5

While reviewing some earlier modifications that I had made to include the Spell Check option in places where I thought it may be helpful I came across the Interests section in the User Profile. As before, the addition of this functionality is straight forward, requiring only the WebLingo file to be included and the correct field to be referenced as follows :

    <LABEL FOR="Interests"> `[WebUser_HTMLLabel.Interests_]`</LABEL>
    ;;call < .HTMLPrefix() + 'spellchecker.html'>( "" )
    <br> <A HREF="" ONCLICK="javascript:CheckSpelling(document.Info.Interests);return false">
    <IMG SRC="`img`spellcheck.gif" BORDER="0" ALT="`[Web_VisLabel.CheckSpelling]`"></A>

The changes in this customisation result in the following :

Current New
Screenshot Screenshot
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