Livelink WebLingo

Weblingo is the term used to describe the templates that are used by Livelink to contain the information that is presented to the user. These templates contain embedded OScript code, similar to ASP, PHP and Perl, which allow the outputted page to be built. Any OScript command or function can be used within a WebLingo file. You will find plenty of examples of this kind of development in the Livelink Customisations section of this site, there is also some documentation in the Livelink Builder documentation which provides a good basis for further development.

You can create a new WebLingo file or amend an existing one in any editor you want - DreamWeaver, FrontPage, NotePad, Vi etc - but for testing I recommend running them via the Livelink Builder as you can see any error messages that are generated and also any Objects or variables that are available to you and their current values.

To assist developer with getting to grips with working with Livelink, WebLingo and other web technologies, our resident WebLingo Guru - Greg Griffiths - has provided a tutorial on the subject as a walk though of one of the customisations that he has done to his Livelink implementation.

In addition to this, Greg has written a tutorial for using CustomizationsRT, a module to allow you to easily manage, identify and maintain your WebLingo Customisations that you may make.

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