Linked Dropdowns

One of the most common questions asked on the variety of Javascript list that I use concern how to have the value selected in one dropdown determine the options in a second dropdown on the page. Many of the solutions suggest submitting the form and having the second dropdown built on the server side using the value of the first dropdown as a parameter to some SQL query or code.

A few examples cover client side approaches to this problem, and this article will cover how to use Javascript on the client side to populate the values of another dropdown depending on the selected value in a dropdown.

For this example, we shall use the following simple HTML file which contains one Form and two dropdowns. The following table of data shows the values that should be displayed in teh second dropdown depending on the value selected in the first for this example :

First Dropdown Second Dropdown
A 1
A 2
A 3
B 4
B 5
C 6

From this we can see that if we select A in the first dropdown, then our options in the second dropdown should be 1, 2 or 3.

To provide the functionality that we need we first need to amend the code of the first dropdown, we need to add an action so that when a value is selected our code is run to set the values in the second dropdown, in this case we shall get it to call a Javascript function - which we will create later - called populateDD.

<SELECT NAME="first_dropdown" ONCHANGE="populateDD();">

We can now focus on the Javascript function itself. To achieve the desired result, our function needs to perform several distinct tasks, which can be defined as follows :

To assist with the population of the second dropdown, I have decided to write a seperate function that I can use to populate this dropdown. This function has been written in a generic manner, which means that I can use it to update any dropdown on any form. The code for this generic function is as follows :

// function takes a display NAME and the VALUE for the new element and then adds it to the dropdown specified in the other parameter
function addOption(whichDD,name,value)
    // create a reference to the SELECT and the form
    var theDD=eval(whichDD);
    // create the new OPTION
    var newOption;
    newOption= new Option (name,value);
    // position
    var insertAt = theDD.options.length;
    // create the space
    theDD.options.length=theDD.options.length + 1;
    // add the option
    theDD.options[insertAt] = newOption;

Now that we have our generic function, we can focus on the rest of our script. All that we need to do here is to reset the second dropdown, then get the value of the first dropdown and then work out which values we need and then add them to the second dropdown using the generic function above.

function populateDD()
    // get the value
    var firstDD=document.myForm.first_dropdown.value;
    // reset the dropdown
    // Populate the second DD
    switch (firstDD)
        case 'A':
        case 'B':
        case 'C':

This sample of the finished code shows the functionality in action.
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