
Customisation Title Descriptions in Project View
Purpose of Customisation This customisation allows the user to toggle on or off the desciptions of each Livelink object in any project.
Author Greg Griffiths
Date of Customisation 15 December 1999
Covers Livelink Livelink 8.1.3 & 8.1.5
Livelink Modules Project
Affected Templates \module\project\html\browseproject.html
Customisation Format HTML
Download Here Download as a ZIP file

This customisation comes in two parts. The first part checks the Query String to see if the HideDesc parameter is set. Depending on the result of this parameter, a line is added to the top of the page that gives the user the option to toggle the view on or off.

Then the second part adds an extra row that contains the description set for that Livelink object underneath the object itself.

     ;String img = data.supportPrefix
     <!-- Changes to support hiding/showing descriptions - start -->
         ;Boolean hideDescriptions = false
         ;if (IsDefined(request.HideDesc) && request.HideDesc == 'on')
             ; hideDescriptions = true
         ;if (Str.LocateI(request.QUERY_STRING,'&HideDesc'))
             request.QUERY_STRING = request.QUERY_STRING[:Str.LocateI(request.QUERY_STRING,'&HideDesc')-1]
         ;if hideDescriptions
             <A HREF="`request.SCRIPT_NAME + '?' + request.QUERY_STRING + '&HideDesc=off'`">Show Descriptions</A>
             <A HREF="`request.SCRIPT_NAME + '?' + request.QUERY_STRING + '&HideDesc=on'`">Hide Descriptions</A>
     <!-- Changes to support hiding/showing descriptions - end -->

Document Truncated
    <!-- Changes to support hiding/showing descriptions - start -->
         ;if (!hideDescriptions && IsDefined(nodeRec.DComment) && Length(nodeRec.DComment) > 0)
             <TR bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
                 <TD COLSPAN="5">`nodeRec.DComment`</TD>
     <!-- Changes to support hiding/showing descriptions - end -->


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